I am… a sector initiative or a public institution I want… to create a logo
Let’s make it together
As a sector initiative or public institution, you play an essential role in promoting Luxembourg’s brand image. Our brand architecture gives you the opportunity to develop a new logo based on the graphic elements of the LuXembourg Signature.
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#I consult
the permitted variations
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Any doubt? contact usTHEMATIC PROMOTION
’When’a sectoral initiative or a public institution promotes a sector or a theme, defined as a priority for the’ image of the Luxembourg brand, it is possible to develop a visual identity for sectoral promotion that fits into the family of the Luxembourg Signature.
- Sectoral initiative or public institution related to a priority theme
- For a variant of the X symbol as a visual element of the logo:
- the X symbol must be red and blue
- the X symbol must be isolated
- The X symbol must be dominated by another graphic element related to the theme. The X symbol can be up to 20% of the size of the graphic element of the logo.
- The typeface of the logo can be VERLAG in black, in capital letters. The use of a typeface reflecting the spirit of the sector is possible
- The color of the logo must be black
- The verbal element of the logo must include the word “Luxembourg” in black, in capital letters.
- The LuXembourg logo cannot be integrated into the new logo.
As’actors involved in various international alliances, sectoral initiatives or public institutions may be called upon to assume leadership responsibilities in ’alliances or’ organizations. ’It is within this context that’a new visual identity can be designed.
PRESIDENCY / INSTITUTIONAL ACTION Cohabitation with an existing logo
- Construction according to a fixed basic principle
- Predefined logo
- vertical column with 4 X symbols in red and blue
- description in 3 lines
- the predefined logo can have as a maximum the height of the column composed of the 4 symbols X
- The typeface of the logo must be VERLAG in capital letters
- The colors of the logo to be used are black, red and blue
- The color sequence is fixed
- The verbal element of the logo must include the word “Luxembourg”
- The LuXembourg logotype cannot be integrated into the new logo
As part of the relationships of the’sectoral initiative or’ public institution with their international partners, an anniversary and jubilee is an opportunity to celebrate joint achievements and lasting relationships. Because of its international character, this anniversary or jubilee may give rise to variations of the Luxembourg Signature.
- Construction according to a fixed basic principle
- Official flag of Luxembourg
- x symbol in red and blue as connection
- official flag of the partner country
- “Luxembourg” in black
- name of the partner country in one of its national colors
- description of the occasion in max. 2 languages in black
- The typeface of the logo must be VERLAG in capital letters
- The LuXembourg logo cannot be integrated into the new logo.
’A strong sign of recognition that promotes the origin or quality’of a Luxembourg product or service, a label can be awarded by a sectoral initiative or a public institution in Luxembourg. In this case, it is possible to develop a logo using the graphic elements of the Luxembourg Signature.
- Construction according to a fixed basic principle
- Official flag of Luxembourg
- x symbol in red and blue as connection
- official flag of the partner country
- “Luxembourg” in black
- name of the partner country in one of its national colors
- description of the occasion in max. 2 languages in black
- The typeface of the logo must be VERLAG in capital letters
- The LuXembourg logo cannot be integrated into the new logo.
When a sector initiative or a public institution promotes a sub-sector or a theme defined as a priority for the Luxembourg brand, it is possible to develop a sectoral promotional visual identity that fits into the Luxembourg Signature family.
# I seek inspiration from examples of use
Circularity Dataset Initiative
# I seek inspiration from examples of use
# I submit
my project for validation