Terms and Conditions of Use of the site

Any person making use of the information, documents, products, software and various services (collectively "Services") offered by this site is deemed to have read and accepted all of these terms and conditions of use.

The website www.lmih.lu and its contents are published by the Brand Image Promotion Unit within the Ministry of the Economy, which is located at 19-21, Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

The publication is managed by Beryl Koltz, Strategic Manager at the Ministry of the Economy.

The website was conceived, designed and developed by the communication agency binsfeld, 14 Place du Parc, L-2313 Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG.

If you notice any anomaly or if you encounter any problem on this site, the user is invited to inform the binsfeld agency: info@binsfeld.lu

The website is hosted in Luxembourg by Luxhosting Networks S.à r.l.

By continuing to read, the user unreservedly accepts the following conditions.

Obligations of the user

Access to the site is via the Internet. The user declares that they is aware of the risks and accepts them. They must protect themselves against the effects of computer piracy by adopting an appropriate and secure computer configuration.

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy shall not be held liable for any damage that the user may suffer directly or indirectly in connection with browsing this site and using its services as well as the Internet sites to which it refers.

The use of the site is free.

Intellectual Property

The Site, all its elements (including the layout) as well as the Information and Services, are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws.

Unless otherwise indicated, the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy does not grant any license or authorization with respect to the intellectual property rights it has on this site, its elements or the Services.

Text documents

Unless otherwise specified, the user is authorised to consult, download and print text documents without prior request, in the context of promoting Luxembourg and for non-commercial purposes.


The graphic elements are available for download for the purpose of developing a concept that must then be validated by the brand image promotion service at the Ministry of the Economy.

Other contents

Unless otherwise indicated, the reproduction of other types of content (photos, videos, sound files, animations, graphics, etc.) is authorized in the context of promoting Luxembourg, for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is mentioned.

These types of content cannot be sold or rented for a fee.

Any modification, transformation or adaptation, total or partial, of the aforementioned types of content is forbidden.

Users who reproduce content from the portal undertake not to use it in a manner contrary to human dignity and respect for the person.

Unless expressly permitted by the publisher, the www.lmih.lu portal may not be integrated in any way, in whole or in part, into any other portal or website.

The rights implicitly or explicitly granted to you above constitute an authorization of use and in no way a transfer of rights, property or other relating to this portal.

General limitations of liability

The Ministry of the Economy will do its best to ensure maximum availability of this site. However, it cannot be held responsible in case of temporary or total unavailability of the site.

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy will ensure the security of the computer system as far as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible in the event of an attack on the computer system or the temporary or total unavailability of the site.

The Ministry of the Economy reserves the right to deny the user access to the website at any time and without prior notice.

Modification of the site

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy reserves the right to change, modify or suspend, without prior notice, this site for maintenance, updating or any other reason deemed necessary.

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy may at any time withdraw, add to, complete or specify all or part of the information and services contained or offered on the site. The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage in connection with such changes.

Link to other websites

For the convenience of users, this site may contain links to other sites that may be of use or interest to them. The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy does not systematically check the content of these sites. Therefore, they are not responsible for the content of these websites, neither for their legality nor for the accuracy of the information contained therein.

Modification of the Terms and Conditions of Use

The present terms and conditions of use can be modified or completed at any time, without prior notice, according to the modifications made to the site, the evolution of the legislation or for any other reason considered necessary. It is the user's responsibility to inform themselves of the terms and conditions of use of the site, of which only the updated version accessible online is deemed to be in force. It is possible that between two uses of the site, the particular terms and conditions of use are modified and it is therefore the responsibility of the user to read them properly before each new use.

Limits of liability of the site

The liability of this site is expressly excluded for all direct and indirect consequences:

  • Of lack of compatibility between the service offered and the equipment, applications, procedures or infrastructure of the user or third parties;
  • Of a security breach originating from the user or a third party and more generally, any security breach not directly attributable to this site;
  • Of the consequences of errors and/or fraud committed by the user or a third party;
  • Of possible unavailability or malfunction of electronic communication systems or networks.


You can contact us at info.imagedemarque@eco.etat.lu for any inquiries or at the following phone number : (+352) 247-72436

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of this site and its Services will be subject to Luxembourg law and will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.